Free download Towns APK for Android
DescPiggy GoLDription of Городки Towns, like any old game, have their own, rather complex rules. And yes, true connoisseurs will forgive me, but you are invited to play by simplified rules. The game consists of 15 figures, alternating in a given sequence. The figure is considered passed, if all the cues are knocked out of the limits of the "town", bounded on the site by a white square. In order to start the cast, click the "Throw" button. Aim the bat and set the strength of the throw. The winner is the one who will pass all 15 pieces in the least number of shots. Good luck! And do not forget that a real game in small towns in the open air and in a good company will not be replaced by any simulator :)
Version history Городки New in Gorodki 1.01 The proportions of the interface are corrected. Please rate this app