
Language Therapy: Aphasia

Language Therapy: AphasiaApplication Description The Language Therapy: Aphasia Android Application developed by Tactus Therapy Solutions Ltd. is listed under the Medical category. The Current Version Is 4.0.205, Updated On 10/15/2023. According to Google Play, Language Therapy: Aphasia achieved more than 5 thousand installs. Currently, Language Therapy: Aphasia has 161 reviews with an average vote value of 4.7 Harness the power of a 4-in-1 speech therapy app scientifically proven to stimulate reading, writing, speaking and listening in people with post-accident aphasia cerebrovascular.Struggling with language can be like being trapped in your own mind. You know what you want to say – but you can't. But there is an answer. Whether you're recovering from a stroke or brain injury, Language Therapy can help. Studies show that... it works! Research from the University of Cambridge demonstrated improvement in all participants with chronic aphasia who used this app for 20 minutes a day for 4 weeks. Get real, lasting results.*• Overcome aphasia and improve language skills with a proven, expert-developed app• Save big with four apps in one: 25% off individual purchase• Enhance speech therapy with countless activities that are perfect for clinical and home use• Learn in five languages: US or UK English, Spanish, German, French• Get a faster, more adaptable toolkit than photo cards, letter pads, and other therapeutic resources• Use reports of scoring and adjustable options to perfectly fit the app to your therapy program• Fully customize your activities by adding your own words, images, instructions or sounds• No subscriptions: our best-selling app will always be there when you need it There's no better time to begin. Try it now for FREE with Language Therapy Lite!With 4 powerful apps in one place, there's always a Language Therapy activity for you.Here's what you get in one easy package:Comprehension Therapy – Improve your understandingDevelop listening skills and reading for nouns, verbs and adjectives. Take the first step toward aphasia recovery with an app that automatically adjusts difficulty based on performance.3 activities: Listening | Read | Listen and readNaming Therapy – Find the right wordsPractice naming and improve word finding skills. In 4 activities, you do everything from naming the things you see to describing their features, all with tips and suggestions to guide you. Build independence by learning strategies for communicating your thoughts and needs.4 activities: Naming Practice | Describe | Naming Test | Flash CardsReading Therapy – Take your reading to the next levelStrengthen literacy with phrase and sentence exercises in an app perfect for independent practice. Improve attention to detail, practice oral reading, and develop Comprehension Therapy's unique words as you progress toward the more advanced reading skills needed for independent living.4 Activities: Sentence Matching | Sentence completion | Sentence Matching | Sentence CompletionWriting Therapy – Boost Your Spelling SkillsImprove spelling skills by practicing completing and constructing the words you hear and see. Choose letters from a limited choice or 7up 7 Down Play from the full alphabet, then place and rearrange them at will for an intuitive and challenging experience. Perfect spelling practice is waiting.4 activities: Fill in the blanks | Copy | Spell what you see | Spell what you hearIn all four Language Therapy apps you get:• Thousands of exercises for countless hours of practice• Activities for people suffering from aphasia after stroke or brain injury, autism, or just learning a new language• No Wi-Fi required Why waste time on apps that don't work? Download Language Therapy and watch the improvement begin.Download now or try it for free with Language Therapy Lite!Looking for something different in a speech therapy app or just interested in one of the speech therapy apps? Choose the right path for you at*Every person and every brain is different. Your results may vary. Read more O Que Há De Novo - small fixes to make sure the app is working as expectedBlackJack