
Free download GOdroid APK for Android

Description of GOdroid Strategic board game.Play the ancient game Go (Weiqi, Igo, Baduk) against your computer.User interface for GNU Go (v3.8 included).GNU Go is an AI engine that plays Go at about 8 to 12 kyu strength.Features:- play against human or computer opponent- choose from onerummy mordern of ten AI strengths - different board sizes- adjustable handicap and Komi- Japanese and Chinese scoring rules- one-touch board zoom- support of move variations- unlimited undo/redo of moves- highlighting of last three moves- visualization of opponents final territory - auto save/load current game- save/load games (sgf format)- share current game (eg. via email attachment, google Drive, Bluetooth)- open external .sgf files with 3rd party apps (eg. from email attachment, file manager/SD card, Internet browser)- (English) description of game rules can be found in 'Menu -> Info -> Game rules'

Version history GOdroid New in GOdroid 1.3.9 v1.3.9- Support for more tablet devices- Back key undoes last move- Minor bug fixes- Vietnamese translation added (Trí Quang @ Thư viện Cờ Vây) Please rate this app

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